Saturday, October 20, 2007

Leaf Mold

In the fall there is a free valuable resource that can be used as a soil conditioner for your organic garden. While your neighbor may be busy putting his leaves into a plastic bag and hauling them to the dump, you on the other hand should recycle your leaves back into your garden. Leaves can be stored in wire bins and be allowed to slowly breakdown over a period of about two years or if you have a moist place to lay them directly on the ground you may attract earthworms who love to nibble at the bottom of the decaying leaves as it is a warm moist place to hang out. Although leaf mold is low in soil nutrients, it acts as a bulking and fibrous agent in the soil which in turn improves soil structure, drainage, etc. The avid organic gardener should always be thinking of ways to recycle all organic materials. Most people hate to rake leaves and see them as a nuisance. I see leaves as a free and valuable resource to be expolited. For more information, please visit

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